




As temperatures soar and the scorching heatwave grips our surroundings, it’s crucial to shed light on its potential impact, especially on vulnerable populations like pregnant women. At Currae Hospital, we prioritize the well-being of expectant mothers and understand the unique challenges they face during extreme weather conditions. In this comprehensive blog, we’ll delve deeper into the effects of the current heatwave on pregnant women and how our team, led by the best obstetricians and gynecologists, is committed to safeguarding their health.

Understanding the Risks:

Pregnancy brings about numerous physiological changes in a woman’s body, making her more susceptible to the adverse effects of heatwaves. Elevated temperatures can lead to dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke, posing significant risks to both the mother and the developing baby. Pregnant women may also experience exacerbation of existing conditions such as hypertension and gestational diabetes, further complicating their health and pregnancy journey.

Protective Measures:

In the face of a heatwave, pregnant women must take proactive steps to protect themselves and their unborn child. At Currae Hospital, our best obstetricians and gynecologists emphasize the importance of adopting preventive measures to mitigate the risks associated with extreme heat. Staying hydrated is paramount, and pregnant women are advised to drink plenty of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration and maintain optimal hydration levels.

Additionally, expectant mothers are encouraged to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, especially during peak hours when temperatures are at their highest. Seeking shade, wearing lightweight, loose-fitting clothing, and using fans or air conditioning to stay cool are essential strategies recommended by our healthcare experts. Pregnant women should also be mindful of their physical activity levels and avoid strenuous exertion in hot weather to prevent overheating and exhaustion.

Expert Guidance and Support:

At Currae Hospital, we understand that navigating pregnancy during a heatwave can be challenging and anxiety-inducing for expectant mothers. That’s why our team of best obstetricians and gynecologists is dedicated to providing comprehensive care, expert guidance, and unwavering support to pregnant women throughout their pregnancy journey.

From the moment a woman discovers she is pregnant, our healthcare professionals are by her side, offering personalized care tailored to her individual needs and circumstances. Regular prenatal check-ups allow our experts to monitor maternal and fetal well-being closely, identify any potential concerns or complications early on, and provide timely interventions or treatments as needed.

In addition to medical care, our team offers invaluable guidance on lifestyle modifications and self-care practices to help pregnant women stay healthy and comfortable during the heatwave. Whether it’s adjusting outdoor activities, modifying dietary habits, or practicing relaxation techniques to manage stress and anxiety, our healthcare professionals equip expectant mothers with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the challenges of pregnancy with confidence.

As the current heatwave poses challenges to pregnant women’s health and well-being, Currae Hospital remains steadfast in its commitment to providing exceptional care and support to expectant mothers. With our team of best obstetricians and gynecologists leading the way, we’re dedicated to safeguarding the health and safety of pregnant women and their babies, even in the face of extreme weather conditions. If you’re pregnant and experiencing any heat-related symptoms or have concerns about your health and well-being during the heatwave, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Your safety, comfort, and peace of mind are our top priorities, and we’re here to help you navigate this challenging time with compassion, expertise, and unwavering support. Stay cool, stay hydrated, and let Currae Hospital be your trusted partner in ensuring a healthy and happy pregnancy journey.

Best Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Women’s health is a multifaceted aspect of healthcare that demands specialized attention and expertise. In the bustling city of Thane, women are fortunate to have access to a wide array of healthcare services tailored specifically to their needs. Among the key figures in women’s healthcare are gynecologists, who play an integral role in safeguarding women’s reproductive health and overall well-being. In this blog, we aim to shed light on the critical role gynecologists play in Thane’s healthcare landscape and how their expertise contributes to the empowerment of women in the community.

Understanding Gynecology:

Gynecology is a specialized branch of medicine focused on the health and diseases of the female reproductive system. Gynecologists are highly trained medical professionals who specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the female reproductive organs, such as the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and breasts. Their expertise encompasses a wide range of services, including preventive care, screenings, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, and guidance through various reproductive stages.

Comprehensive Women’s Healthcare in Thane:

Thane boasts a robust healthcare infrastructure that caters to the diverse needs of women across different stages of life. Gynecologists in Thane offer a comprehensive range of services to address the unique healthcare needs of women, from routine check-ups to specialized treatments. Whether it’s addressing adolescent health issues, providing family planning and contraception counseling, managing pregnancy and childbirth, or navigating the challenges of menopause, women in Thane can rely on gynecologists for expert care and support.

Importance of Regular Check-ups:

Regular visits to a gynecologist are crucial for maintaining optimal reproductive health and detecting any potential issues early on. Annual check-ups allow gynecologists to monitor reproductive health, conduct screenings for conditions such as cervical cancer and sexually transmitted infections, and provide guidance on contraception and family planning. These visits also offer women the opportunity to discuss any concerns or symptoms they may have in a safe and supportive environment, fostering open communication and proactive healthcare management.

Empowering Women Through Education:

Gynecologists in Thane play a pivotal role in empowering women through education and advocacy. They provide women with accurate information about their bodies, reproductive health, and available healthcare options, empowering them to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. By fostering a collaborative and patient-centered approach to care, gynecologists empower women to take control of their health and advocate for their needs, ultimately enabling them to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives.

Accessible and Compassionate Care:

Accessibility and compassion are fundamental principles of gynecological care in Thane. Gynecologists strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where women feel comfortable discussing their health concerns and seeking support. They approach each patient with empathy, respect, and sensitivity, recognizing the unique needs and experiences of every individual. Whether it’s a routine check-up or a more complex medical issue, women in Thane can trust that they will receive personalized and compassionate care from their gynecologist, ensuring their health and well-being are prioritized at every step.


In Thane, gynecologists play a vital role in promoting women’s health, well-being, and empowerment. Through their expertise, comprehensive healthcare services, regular check-ups, patient education, and compassionate care, gynecologists contribute significantly to the overall health and happiness of women in the community. By prioritizing women’s health and ensuring access to quality gynecological care, Thane demonstrates its commitment to supporting women at every stage of their reproductive journey, empowering them to lead healthier, happier lives.

As the scorching summer sun beats down, ensuring the safety and well-being of our children becomes paramount. Excessive heat can pose serious health risks, especially to young ones whose bodies are more vulnerable to heat-related illnesses. At Currae Hospital, we understand the importance of safeguarding children from the heat. In this blog, we’ll discuss some essential tips to protect your little ones during hot weather.

Stay Hydrated:

One of the most crucial aspects of safeguarding children from excessive heat is ensuring they stay hydrated. Encourage your child to drink plenty of water throughout the day, even if they’re not feeling thirsty. Avoid sugary drinks and caffeinated beverages, as they can contribute to dehydration.

Dress Appropriately:

Dress your child in lightweight, loose-fitting clothing made of breathable fabrics like cotton. Light-colored clothing reflects sunlight and helps keep the body cool. Don’t forget to protect their heads with hats or caps, and their eyes with sunglasses, if possible.

Limit Outdoor Activities:

During the hottest parts of the day, typically from late morning to early afternoon, limit your child’s outdoor activities. Instead, opt for indoor games or activities in shaded areas. If outdoor play is unavoidable, schedule it for the cooler hours of the morning or evening.

Seek Shade:

When outdoors, seek shaded areas such as under trees or canopies. Avoid direct exposure to the sun, especially during peak hours. If you’re planning a day out, choose venues with ample shaded areas or consider bringing along a portable umbrella or tent for added protection.

Use Sunscreen:

Apply sunscreen with a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor) to your child’s exposed skin, including their face, neck, arms, and legs. Reapply sunscreen every two hours, or more frequently if your child has been swimming or sweating. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays.

Be Aware of Warning Signs:

Familiarize yourself with the signs of heat-related illnesses, such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Symptoms may include excessive sweating, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, rapid heartbeat, and fainting. If you notice any signs of heat-related illness in your child, move them to a cool place, offer water, and seek medical attention if necessary.

As temperatures soar, it’s crucial for parents to take proactive measures to protect their children from the dangers of excessive heat. By following these simple tips and staying vigilant, you can help ensure that your little ones stay safe and healthy throughout the summer months. Remember, if you ever have concerns about your child’s health, the best pediatric doctors in Thane are available to provide expert care and guidance. At Currae Hospital, we’re committed to promoting the well-being of children and families in our community. Stay cool and stay safe!

In recent years, advancements in medical technology have provided hope and solutions for couples struggling with infertility. Among these breakthroughs, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) stands as a beacon of hope, offering a pathway to parenthood for many. Currae Hospital, renowned as the best IVF Centre in Thane, takes pride in guiding couples through this intricate journey with care, expertise, and cutting-edge technology. Let’s delve into the steps involved in IVF, shedding light on what couples can expect during their pursuit of parenthood at Currae Hospital.

Step 1: Ovulation Induction:

The IVF journey often begins with ovulation induction, a process aimed at stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. Through hormonal medications and careful monitoring, our expert team at Currae Hospital ensures optimal egg development while prioritizing the safety and well-being of the patient.

Step 2: Egg Retrieval:

Once the eggs reach maturity, a minor surgical procedure known as egg retrieval is performed. This outpatient procedure is conducted under sedation to ensure comfort. Using advanced techniques, our skilled fertility specialists retrieve the eggs from the ovaries with precision and care.

Step 3: Sperm Collection:

Simultaneously, sperm samples are collected from the male partner or a sperm donor. At Currae Hospital, we provide a supportive environment for this process, understanding the significance of every step in the IVF journey.

Step 4: Fertilization:

In the laboratory, the retrieved eggs and sperm are carefully combined in a controlled environment to facilitate fertilization. This crucial step is monitored closely by our embryologists, who employ state-of-the-art technology to maximize the chances of successful fertilization.

Step 5: Embryo Culture:

The fertilized eggs, now embryos, undergo a period of growth and development in the laboratory. Our embryology team meticulously monitors their progress, ensuring optimal conditions for embryonic development.

Step 6: Embryo Transfer:

After careful consideration and consultation with our fertility experts, the healthiest embryos are selected for transfer into the uterus. This procedure, performed with precision and expertise, marks a significant milestone in the IVF journey.

Step 7: Support and Monitoring:

Following embryo transfer, patients receive ongoing support and monitoring to maximize the chances of a successful pregnancy. At Currae Hospital, we prioritize personalized care, offering guidance and support at every stage of the process.

Step 8: Pregnancy Test:

Approximately two weeks after embryo transfer, a pregnancy test is conducted to determine whether implantation has occurred. This moment is filled with anticipation and hope, and our team at Currae Hospital is dedicated to providing compassionate care and support throughout the waiting period.


Embarking on the IVF journey can be both daunting and hopeful. At Currae Hospital, recognized as the best IVF Centre in Thane, we understand the complexities and emotions involved in this process. Through our comprehensive approach, advanced technology, and compassionate care, we strive to make the journey towards parenthood a positive and fulfilling experience for every couple we serve. If you’re considering IVF as a pathway to parenthood, we welcome you to embark on this journey with us at Currae Hospital.

Welcome to Currae Hospital’s comprehensive guide to hysterectomy, a surgical procedure that plays a significant role in women’s health. As a leading healthcare provider committed to women’s well-being, we aim to provide valuable information about hysterectomy, including its indications, types, procedures, and post-operative care.

What is a Hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the uterus. Depending on the patient’s condition and medical history, other reproductive organs such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes may also be removed during the procedure.

Indications for Hysterectomy:

Hysterectomy may be recommended for various gynaecological conditions, including:

Uterine fibroids:

Non-cancerous growths in the uterus that can cause pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, and other symptoms.

Uterine prolapse:

When the uterus slips down into the vagina due to weakened pelvic floor muscles.

Abnormal vaginal bleeding:

Irregular or heavy menstrual bleeding that does not respond to other treatments.

Gynaecological cancers:

Hysterectomy may be part of the treatment for cancers such as uterine, ovarian, or cervical cancer.

There are different types of hysterectomy, including:

Total hysterectomy:

Total hysterectomy is a surgical procedure involving the complete removal of the uterus and cervix. This brief guide aims to provide essential information about total hysterectomy, its indications, procedure, and post-operative care.

Partial hysterectomy:

Partial hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the uterus while leaving the cervix intact. This brief overview aims to provide essential information about partial hysterectomy, its indications, benefits, and considerations for patients considering this procedure.

Radical hysterectomy:

Radical hysterectomy is a surgical procedure recommended for certain gynaecological cancers, primarily cervical cancer. This brief introduction aims to provide an overview of radical hysterectomy, its indications, surgical approach, and its role in the treatment of gynaecological malignancies.

Hysterectomy can be performed through various approaches, including:

Abdominal hysterectomy:

Abdominal hysterectomy is a common surgical procedure used to remove the uterus through an incision made in the abdomen. This brief introduction aims to provide an overview of abdominal hysterectomy, its indications, surgical techniques, and considerations for patients undergoing this procedure.

Vaginal hysterectomy:

Vaginal hysterectomy is a surgical procedure used to remove the uterus through the vagina, without the need for external incisions. This brief introduction aims to provide an overview of vaginal hysterectomy, its indications, advantages, and considerations for patients considering this minimally invasive approach to hysterectomy.

Laparoscopic hysterectomy:

Laparoscopic hysterectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to remove the uterus with the assistance of a laparoscope and specialized instruments inserted through small incisions in the abdomen. This brief introduction aims to provide an overview of laparoscopic hysterectomy, its indications, benefits, and considerations for patients considering this advanced surgical approach.

Post-operative Care and Recovery:

After hysterectomy, patients require adequate rest and follow-up care to ensure a smooth recovery. Depending on the type of hysterectomy and surgical approach, recovery time may vary. Patients may experience temporary side effects such as:

  • Pain and discomfort
  • Vaginal bleeding or discharge
  • Fatigue
  • Changes in bowel or bladder function

It’s essential for patients to follow their healthcare provider’s instructions regarding activity level, medication, and follow-up appointments to promote healing and minimize complications.


Hysterectomy is a common gynaecological surgery that can significantly improve the quality of life for women with various reproductive health issues. At Currae Hospital, our experienced gynaecological surgeons and compassionate care team are dedicated to providing personalized treatment and support for patients undergoing hysterectomy. If you have any questions or concerns about hysterectomy or other gynaecological procedures, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Your health and well-being are our top priorities.

Are you in search of the best gynecologist near you? Look no further! Currae Hospital is your one-stop destination for expert obstetrics and gynecology care. Our team of renowned specialists, including Dr. Vidya Shetty, Dr. Sangeeta Shetty, Dr. Sujata Rathod, Dr. Dimple Jain, and Dr. Shailendra Jadhav, is dedicated to providing compassionate and personalized care to women of all ages.

Comprehensive Gynecological Care at Currae Hospital

At Currae Hospital, we understand the importance of finding a trusted gynecologist who can address your unique healthcare needs. Whether you’re in need of routine check-ups, prenatal care, family planning services, or treatment for gynecological conditions, our team is here to provide comprehensive and effective solutions.

Meet Our Expert Team

Dr. Vidya Shetty:

With over two decades of experience, Dr. Vidya Shetty specializes in high-risk pregnancies and advanced gynecological surgeries. Her dedication to excellence and compassionate care has earned her the trust of countless patients.

Dr. Sangeeta Shetty:

Known for her compassionate approach and proficiency in minimally invasive gynecological procedures, Dr. Sangeeta Shetty is committed to providing personalized care to women of all ages. Her expertise and attention to detail ensure the best possible outcomes for her patients.

Dr. Sujata Rathod:

Dr. Sujata Rathod is dedicated to promoting women’s health through preventive care and wellness initiatives. Her holistic approach addresses both the physical and emotional well-being of her patients, ensuring comprehensive care at every visit.

Dr. Dimple Jain:

Dr. Dimple Jain brings her expertise in reproductive endocrinology and fertility treatments to Currae Hospital. She offers hope to couples struggling with infertility, providing advanced treatments and personalized care to help them achieve their dreams of parenthood.

Dr. Shailendra Jadhav:

Committed to providing holistic care for women, Dr. Shailendra Jadhav focuses on both physical and emotional well-being. His compassionate approach and comprehensive treatment plans ensure that his patients receive the highest quality care.

State-of-the-Art Facilities and Advanced Treatments

At Currae Hospital, we prioritize your health and well-being above all else. Our state-of-the-art facilities, advanced treatment options, and patient-centered approach ensure that you receive the highest quality of care at every visit.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Don’t wait any longer to prioritize your reproductive health. Schedule an appointment with one of our expert gynecologists at Currae Hospital today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you. Your journey to optimal wellness starts here!

Experience the difference that expert, compassionate care can make in your life. Choose Currae Hospital for all your obstetrics and gynecology needs. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

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