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Water Birth Currae Hospital

Embracing a Gentle Birth: Exploring the Benefits of Water Birth at Currae Hospital in Thane

By Dr Vidya Shetty in Gynaecologist and Obstretician


The journey of giving birth is a miraculous experience, and mothers today have various birthing options to consider, including home births and hospital deliveries. One unique and increasingly popular method is water birth, known for its gentle approach to childbirth. In this article, we’ll delve into what water birth entails, how it works, and why it might be a preferred option for you with the guidance of a painless delivery center in Thane, such as Currae Hospital.

Understanding Water Birth:

Water birth is a childbirth method where a warm-water tub or pool is utilized by the mother in labor to give birth. The water is maintained at body temperature, providing comfort and relaxation during the process. The buoyancy of the warm water helps lighten the mother’s load and reduce the intensity of contractions. Many mothers have described water delivery as a gentle and peaceful way to bring a new life into the world.

The Process of Water Birth:

A birthing pool or tub, which can be set up at home or in a hospital setting, is typically used for water births. Once the mother is in active labor, the pool is filled with warm water, providing a soothing environment. Throughout the process, expert midwives and doctors at Currae Hospital in Thane monitor the mother and baby’s vital signs to ensure a safe delivery. After birth, the baby is gently taken out of the water and immediately handed over to the mother for skin-to-skin contact. The mother can then choose to exit the water and deliver the placenta outside.

Why Water Birth Might Be a Better Option for You:

Water birth offers several advantages that can significantly contribute to a positive birthing experience:

Pain and Discomfort Reduction:

The warmth of the water helps relax the mother’s muscles, relieving pressure on the back and pelvis. This can reduce the discomfort and manageability of contractions, providing a more comfortable birthing experience.

Lower Risk of Tears or Episiotomy:

The warm water increases blood flow and softens perineal tissues, making them more elastic and less prone to tearing. This can lower the risk of tears or the need for an episiotomy during childbirth.

Relaxation and Enjoyable Experience:

The warm water can contribute to stress and anxiety reduction, creating a more relaxing and enjoyable experience for both the mother and the child. It fosters a private and intimate atmosphere by muffling outside noise and distractions.

Preparations for Water Birth at Currae Hospital in Thane:

If you’re considering water birth at Currae Hospital, here are some essential preparations:

Consult with Experienced Professionals:

Find a trained and experienced doctor at Currae Hospital specializing in water birth to guide you through the process and ensure a safe experience.

Arrange a Birthing Pool:

Plan for a birthing pool or tub and ensure it is properly set up and sterilized before usage to create a clean and safe environment.

Discuss Pain Management:

Discuss pain management options with your doctor or midwife to prepare for any painkillers you might require during labor.

Build a Support System:

Have a support system in place, whether it’s your spouse or a family member, to encourage, assist, and support you during labor and delivery.


Water birth at Currae Hospital in Thane is a gentle and special way to bring new life into the world. The warm water helps reduce pain and suffering, promoting calmness and peace for both mother and child. Before making decisions, consider whether water birth is a safe and practical option for you, and consult with the experienced professionals at Currae Hospital. With proper planning and support, water birth can be a wonderful and inspiring event for mothers and their families.

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